I'm going to Iowa and Missouri (as previously mentioned) on Tuesday. I'll be visiting my grandparents as well as attending my little sister's graduation from the Nebraska National Guard. I'm so very proud of her!
Quite frankly, I'm terrified to be traveling such a long distance (roughly 6 hours to Iowa) with an 18 month old. Especially my 18 month old. Can't you just wait for the blog about my trip? I know, I can sense your excitement to devour my pathetic complaints!!!
My mom and I are resolved to start and finish crocheting a granny square afghan on our trip. We purchased the yarn last night and I love the colors! I'll have to post a picture of that too! Assuming we finish :)!
We're set to get 12 inches of snow tomorrow. I freaking hate that it's APRIL and it's supposed to snow 12 inches. But there is always good news! Commonly, in Nebraska, there is a big bad storm in April and then the weather starts warming and we don't have to worry about that winter crap ever again. Well, at least not for a few months...
I work dispatch for law enforcement and when the weather is set to be horrible like this... All hell breaks loose in our office. People so much as see a snowflake in Nebraska and suddenly they're sliding into other people and running into telephone poles! It's intense, to say the least.
I can't imagine what'll happen when 12 inches drop on them in less than 24 hours. I shudder to think.
I've been looking into short stories and creative writing for a few days... I'm considering attempting a few short stories. I'm my own worst critique though and I usually wind up immediately hating whatever I write down. But just for my faithful readers... I'll make a large attempt. My goal is by next Sunday to have a rough draft of something I like.
I've also been looking into purchasing a new Bible--as I don't own one. I figure it'll be necessary and all since I want to start adult instruction at my church! I spotted one it's a Devotional Bible (which I love) geared directly towards being a better mother. I want it soooo badly. I've asked for it for Mothers' Day. I doubt if I wait that long to go buy it though! Maybe for Easter?!
Anyhow I hope everyone enjoys their week to come! I'm going to go work on some other eventual blogs, see if I can't get a few written and perhaps Stefan can post them for me throughout the week!
Congratulations to your sister! What an accomplishment!
And wishing you lots of serenity on your upcoming travels with your toddler, wow, they can be a handful at that age. :o)
The Bible you have in mind sounds perfect. I love how Bibles come in so many different themes {student, wife, mother, woman, etc.} now!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Best of luck on your traveling with a 18 month old!!! That sounds completely terrifying!
Have fun on your trip! Ahhh, zebra cakes...I remember eating them at my grandma's house all the time. and the Little Debbie brownies - awesome!
Girl I know what you MEAN ABOUT THE SNOW! GRR!!!
I am dispatcher in KS.. so I get the southern half of what you are gettin..
Visiting from SITS! Good to meet you :)
Ahhh, so those are zebra cakes!!
I'd love to share the secrets of my blog design, except I didn't create it. It is a free one from Lena Designs. If you go to the very bottom of my blog you will find her link.
The cutestblogontheblock.com has a lot of tips on creating your own blog template.
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